Whitehall London: The 9 Best Reasons to Visit

Whitehall London
Whitehall London

Whitehall is a road that exudes history along every inch.

We consider Whitehall the heart of London, renowned for its regal architecture, iconic landmarks, and government institutions.

We’ve included Parliament Street, which is bolted onto the end of Whitehall, for the benefit of this post.

If you walk down Whitehall, you won’t realise it’s not the same road.

I (Joel) have worked on both sides of Whitehall—once at the MOD and once elsewhere—but you’ll have to read on to discover where!

Spending so much time on Whitehall has helped me get to know the road pretty well.

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Whitehall London – Elizabeth Tower

Whitehall London

So, Whitehall, what’s so good about it, and what can you see along it?

It’s a pretty grand street with a lot of history, and there are a ton of things to see.

Whitehall is more than just fancy buildings; there is stuff to do! Whitehall is the home to the UK Government, which is spread across several sites spanning the length of Whitehall, where you’ll find the following government buildings.

The famous 10 Downing Street, Department of Environment Food & Rural Affairs, Scotland Office, Horse Guards, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales, Ministry of Defence, Cabinet Office, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, HM Revenue & Customs and the Houses of Parliament.

Technically, the Houses of Parliament and HM Revenue & Custtechnically oms sit on Parliament Street, but it’s near enough!

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Whitehall London – HM Revenue & Customs

A Brief History of Whitehall

Whitehall London holds a rich historical legacy as a significant thoroughfare and administrative centre.

Its history dates back to the Middle Ages when it was the location of the Palace of Whitehall, the principal residence of English monarchs.

Over the centuries, Whitehall became synonymous with government institutions and power.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, Whitehall emerged as England’s epicentre of political and administrative activities.

The area housed the royal court, government offices, and the Privy Council.

It was also the site of significant historical events, including King Charles I’s execution in 1649, which we’ll discuss in a bit.

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Whitehall London

9 Reasons to Visit Whitehall

If you visit London, you have to take a stroll along Whitehall and soak in the grandeur of its iconic landmarks.

It’s probably one of the finest streets in the city.

Here are a few things to look for while wandering this incredible road.

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Whitehall London

1 | Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square is one of the best and most famous squares in London.

We recommend you start your journey along Whitehall from here.

It’s the perfect place to enjoy lunch, listen to the street performers, peruse the National Gallery, and admire Nelson’s Column and the surrounding lions before heading down Whitehall.

It’s a hive of activity and one bursting with atmosphere.

No wonder it’s a popular destination, especially when the sun is out!

Read our post about reasons to visit Trafalgar Square.

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Whitehall London – Trafalgar Square

2 | Houses of Parliament

At the opposite end of Whitehall sits the Houses of Parliament.

The Houses of Parliament, also known as the Palace of Westminster, is an iconic symbol of British democracy and a monumental architectural masterpiece.

Undoubtedly, it’s one of the most famous buildings in London and the world.

It’s also home to one of the most renowned clock faces on the planet if not the most: the one on Big Ben.

And did you know the actual name of the tower is Elizabeth Tower?

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Whitehall London – House of Parliament

3 | Parliament Square

Another of London’s famous squares is Parliament Square.

It’s home to a few famous things, including the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey.

But Parliament Square’s centrepiece is the famous statue of Sir Winston Churchill, a symbolising figure in British history.

The square houses statues of prominent political figures, including Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi, symbolising freedom, equality, and justice.

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Whitehall London – Parliament Square

4 | The Cenotaph

The Cenotaph is the centrepiece of Whitehall and is a poignant memorial that holds a deep significance in honouring the sacrifices of fallen servicemen and women.

Designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens, this iconic structure stands in the centre of the road on Whitehall and serves as a focal point for national remembrance ceremonies.

The Cenotaph, meaning “empty tomb,” is a symbol of collective grief and gratitude for those who lost their lives in conflicts.

Each year, on Remembrance Sunday, the nation gathers around the Cenotaph to pay tribute, lay wreaths, and observe a solemn silence.

It reminds us of the immense sacrifices made by servicemen and women and stands as a timeless symbol of remembrance and unity in the face of adversity.

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Whitehall London – The Cenotaph

5 | Horse Guards

If you spot a gathering of people along Whitehall, they are likely outside Horse Guards.

That’s because you will find Army soldiers dressed in fancy uniforms sitting on horses.

They are a highlight of Whitehall and attract hoards of visitors every day.

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Whitehall London – Horse Guards

There’s even The Household Cavalry Museum you can visit.

Here, you can see the Changing of The King’s Life Guard.

It’s like a less famous version of Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace, but with Horses.

And if you have time, we recommend walking through Horse Guards and heading into St James’s Park.

It’s a beautiful park, with plenty of things to see.

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Whitehall London – Hore Guards Parade

6 | King Charles Street

Just off Whitehall is King Charles Street.

It sits between the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and HM Revenue & Customs, and it’s good for two reasons: It’s usually pretty quiet and is rather grand.

It is so grand that it has been the setting of a few films, including one of the final scenes of Goodbye Christopher Robin.

It’s quite something to walk from Parliament Square, which is rammed, and just a few metres away, head down a street with almost no tourists and zero traffic, yet it’s a beautiful street to admire.

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Whitehall London – King Charles Street

7 | Churchill War Rooms

The Churchill War Rooms, just off Whitehall, at the end of King Charles Street, are an iconic historic site that played a pivotal role during World War II.

Housed underground, the Churchill War Rooms served as the nerve centre for the British government’s military operations and strategic planning.

Originally constructed as a basement complex for government departments, the site was repurposed in 1938 as a secure location for war operations.

Key decision-makers, including Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Cabinet members, and military leaders, coordinated the war effort within the war rooms.

The museum showcases preserved rooms, such as the Cabinet War Rooms and Churchill’s private quarters, complete with authentic artefacts and exhibits that provide insight into the challenges and triumphs of wartime Britain.

They are part of the wider Imperial War Museums.

If you’d like to visit a free museum, check out our guide to the Imperial War Museum London – it’s a superb museum that’s not too far away and worth a visit.

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Whitehall London – Churchill War Rooms

8 | 10 Downing Street

Aside from having one of the most famous buildings and clock faces in the world, Whitehall also has one of the most famous front doors, the one at 10 Downing Street.

Beyond the door is the building that is the Prime Minister’s Office.

I used to work behind this door as the Official Photographer to the Prime Minister when Theresa May was in charge.

Sadly, you can’t get on the street but can see along it.

But from Whitehall, you’ll see the ironwork in front of the door and the odd celebrity or politician.

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Whitehall London – 10 Downing Street

9 | Banqueting House

Last but not least of the places to see along Whitehall London is the Banqueting House.

You would likely walk past Banqueting House and pay it little attention, but its history is fascinating.

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Whitehall London – Whitehall Street Sign

Designed by renowned architect Inigo Jones, this building is the only remaining part of the Palace of Whitehall, which was once the largest palace in Europe.

The Banqueting House is famous for its ceiling painted by the esteemed artist Peter Paul Rubens and, rather gruesomely, was the location of the execution of King Charles I in 1649.

The King’s sentence was carried out on a scaffold erected outside Banqueting House, forever marking this location as a poignant part of British history.

You can see a plaque on the wall, and if you’d like to take a look inside, you can take a tour around Banqueting House.

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Whitehall London – Banqueting House

Whitehall London Location & Map

📍Whitehall London

💷 Free

🕙 Open all year


Is Whitehall worth visiting?

Yes, it is! If you’re in central London, wandering down Whitehall is worth it. There are plenty of things to see on the road, and it’s topped and tailed by two of London’s best squares – Parliament Square and Trafalgar Square, where you will find even more things to do.

What is Whitehall London famous for?

Whitehall is famous for being the seat of the UK government. It’s home to several government departments, including the home of the Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street, the Houses of Parliament, the Ministry of Defence, HM Revenue & Customs, and the Scotland Office, plus a few more.

What is the best time to visit Whitehall London?

Whitehall London can be visited throughout the year. However, the summer offers pleasant weather for exploring the district on foot. The best time to visit during the day is early in the morning or later in the evening. It gets busy during the day, with crowds forming at Parliament Square and Horseguards.

What is there to see on Whitehall?

There is tons of stuff! It’s home to two of London’s most famous squares, Trafalgar Square and Parliament Square, the Houses of Parliament, the Cenotaph, and the remarkable King Charles Street. You might even glimpse 10 Downing Street, the home of the UK Prime Minister.

Why is Whitehall called Whitehall?

‘Whitehall’ was a term used for a few buildings in the Tudor period. It was also used as a general term for any festival building or a building made of light stone, including the Royal Palace of Whitehall, which later gave its name to the street.

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Whitehall London
Whitehall, London

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